Bredy Farm

About Bredy Farm

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So far Bredy Farm has created 21 blog entries.

An update from the farm… March 2021

**Festivals** We are finally feeling hopeful and looking forwards to the summer, and preparations are well under way for our festivals in 2021! We've been in communications with licensing and the local authorities, and it's [...]

COVID-19-2021 Update: Bredy Farm Camping

**April 12th** We’re very excited to open The Orchard and Mead campsites from April 12th. We appreciate these are still delicate times regarding the control of Covid-19 and have conducted an in-depth risk assessment resulting [...]


We've got the fabulous Sweet Jesus or the delightful Monica Lewinsky available to purchase in 10 litre size bag-in-boxes. The boxes can quite easily fit in your fridge and always best consumed as quickly as [...]


Please accept our apologies for the delay in this announcement, we are still waiting, as is everyone for the latest Government advice on the lock-down which has now been postponed until the end of this [...]

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